It’s official!


click above to go the announcement and registration page.

10 Réponses

  1. I wish I had been able to meet these nice people with whom I have shared many hours. I still don’t speak French but I am that much closer to understanding it all thanks to FIA, a challenge I took on when it appeared on PBS. I wish they brought it back but most of all, I wish it had gone on another 52 episodes.

  2. Although I was unable to attend the reunion, much to my regret, I would appreciate if someone might summarize all of the activities. Un grand merci. — Dominik

  3. Heheh… I will be there, after all. 😎

  4. Je viendrai à la conférence avec beaucoup de plaisir!
    Monsieur Capretz, attendez-moi s’il vous plaît, j’aurai un petit cadeau pour vous! 😉

  5. Just updated the wiki:

    So how do we get the word out! I hope the thousands of fans out there will show up. Amazing!


    wonderful site by the way!

  6. Mater: I’ve posted announcements on the FIA-related Facebook sites, and sent e-mails to two bloggers (Jennie en France, Polly-vous français?) who have written articles on it. No doubt that updating the Wikipedia page was an important thing to do. Thanks for doing that! I know that Yale has a big e-mail list they are using, but the more we can do, the better. Not sure where to go from here. Your ideas are as good or better than mine!

  7. Je vois que Charles Mayer n’a pas listé FIA sur le « homepage » de son site intérnet. Il a honte, peut-être?

    Je me moque de toi, Robert. Je suis contente de lire les détails de la réunion. Je vais encourager mes étudiants d’y aller, mais c’est difficile puisque nous sommes très loin de Yale.

    Amusez-vous bien!

  8. I will be there from Nashville:)

  9. I feel for you, Max. I am in Africa and just changed my return ticket so I can get back in time. Hope you can figure out a way.

  10. I really want to attend this, but I am overseas on business and I do not think I can make it back. I will have to do some scheming….

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