
Dear FIA fans: Hope all of you are well. Yes, it’s been quiet here of late. However, I should have some very exciting news to report to you soon. Barry Lydgate has been in touch and something is afoot that I know most of you will be enthusiastic about. I have only the sketchiest of details, but hope to know more, soon. When I do, you’ll be the next to know.

Meanwhile, the beautiful, rediscovered Virginie (Marie Laure) has sent some us some still photos taken during FIA production by Sylvie Mathé that she wanted me to share. Here is what she said:

J’espère que vous allez bien , je vous envoie ces quelques photos, souvenirs du tournage de French in Action , vous pouvez les mettre dans votre site si vous pensez que cela puisse faire plaisir aux fans ! Amicalement, Virginie

Really lovely. It’s been too long since I’ve watched a FIA. Think I’ll do so tonight!



5 Réponses

  1. Magnifique !

  2. I just came across this blog after purchasing FIA. I am committed to brushing up on my french after taking the course in college 20 years ago . I just got back from Paris where I (of course) had to enjoy a Kir Royale at La Closerie des Lilas. Being there reminded me of the joy this program gave me and i’m happy to see there is an actual blog devoted to likeminded people that loved their FIA experience!

  3. Welcome to the FIA family, Larry! « Joy » is right word to describe the effect of FIA. It also brings me joy to know that the waiters at La Closerie des Lilas are still scratching their heads over why so many American tourists order Kir Royales. If you (or anyone else reading this for that matter) would like to contribute something to this site, let me know & I’ll gladly bestow authorship privileges to you.

  4. Hi,

    I was hoping someone here can explain why parts of Marie-Laure’s journal are scribbled out in the 3rd Ed of FIA Part 1 text??

    Merci en avance!

  5. Oh, this is wonderful! Marie Laure always cracked me up.

    This October I finally get to visit Paris for a few days. Naturally, I’m watching FIA again to brush up my rusty French. My husband doesn’t understand why I JUST HAVE TO visit the Jardin du Luxembourg while we’re there, but I’m sure you guys do. I’ll try not to fall into the fountain. 😉

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